Imam sadIiq: IF I Percieve his time I will serve him in all of my life days

اللَّهُمَّ کُنْ لِوَلِیِّکَ الحُجَةِ بنِ الحَسَن، صَلَواتُکَ علَیهِ و عَلی آبائِهِ، فِی هَذِهِ السَّاعَةِ وَ فِی کُلِّ سَاعَةٍ، وَلِیّاً وَ حَافِظاً وَ قَائِداً وَ نَاصِراً وَ دَلِیلًا وَ عَیْناً، حَتَّى تُسْکِنَهُ أَرْضَکَ طَوْعاً وَ تُمَتعَهُ فِیهَا طَوِیلا
What is our responsibilities in the context of prayers for the hasty reappearance of Imam Zamana (May Allah hastened his reappearance)?
Whether the narration in which it is mentioned that Imam Zamana will be martyred by a woman is correct or not?
Do the vicegerency of the Prophet’s household has the authority upon the humans only or do they have the authority upon all the creation?
If the vicegerency of the Household of the Holy Prophet (AS) was offered when whatever had been created had the intellect, how can we say that the authority of the Aal-Allah is upon all the possible creation and being?
Is it true that in Tay al-Ardh, the objectivity is separated so that the Tay al-Ardh can take place?
To fulfil my wish, I have strived very hard and even performed Lenten however my wish was not fulfilled, what should I do?
State on of the most important obligations for the Shias in the time of Occultation?
Describe one of the intresting facts about the usurpation of the khilafat by the Sheikhain.
Since when Hazrat Abu Talib had faith in the Prophet Hood of Mohammad (SAWW)?
What does “بحجابک الرومي” means in the other Dua e Ahad
What are the positive effects of severe problems?
Does («اللهم صلّ علی محمّد حجّتک فی أرضک») in the Ziyarat e Aal e Ya’seen refers to the holy Prophet Mohammad (saww) of Imam Zamana (ATFS)?
Does the prayer for the hasty reappearance of Imam Zamana (ATFS) contradicts with this sentence ((وصبّرنی علی ذلک حتی لا احبّ تعجیل ما اخّرت ولا تأخیر ما عجّلت)) in the prayer of occultation?
Does not the command of praying for the hasty reappearance of Imam (ATFS) contradicts with his own narration («وأما ظهور الفرج فإنّه إلی الله»)?
At the time of reappearance of Imam Zamana (ATFS), will there be no tyrants and tyranny and oppression?
Islamic calendar
Month Dhul Qildah 1445
1 Dhul Qildah
1-Descent of Hazrat Adam (AS) from heaven to the earth 2-Mighat of Hazrat Musa Ibn Emran (AS) at the mountain of Towr 3-Battle of Hudaybiah (6 A.H) 4-Marriage of holy prophet to Zainab , the doughter of Jahesh (5 A.H) 5-Birth of Hazrat Fatema Masumah (AS) (173 A.H) 6-The minor battle of Badr, 4 A.H 7-Death of Ash’as bin Qais, 40 A.H
2 Dhul Qildah
1-Death of Shalmaghani (who had been cursed by the holy Imam), 323 A.H
5 Dhul Qildah
1-Refitting Kabba by Ibrahim (AS) and his son Ismaeal ( Peace be upon him ) 2-Heavenly abode of Sayyid bin Tawoos (R.A.), 664 A.H 3-Imam Zaman’s (may our lives be sacrificed upon him) gave the supplication to end the dispute and bring harmony between Abi Ghalib Zarari and his wife, with the blessings of this supplication thorough Husain bin Rauh (Q.S.), 25 A.H
9 Dhul Qildah
1-The letter of Muslim bin Aqeel to Imam Husain (A.S.) about eighteen thousand people of Kufa paying the allegiance to him, 60 A.H
10 Dhul Qildah
1-Death of Ibn Khaqan, a general of Motawakkil (May Allah curse both of them), 263 A.H
11 Dhul Qildah
1-Birth of Hazrat Imam Ali Ibn Musa Al-Reza (AS) (148 A.H) 2-Birth of Sheikh Mufeed (Q.S.), 336 or 338 A.H
13 Dhul Qildah
1-Beginning Hosein Ibn Ali (AS) rising ( Known as Fakh martyr ) (169 A.H) 2-Death of Moktafa Billah and Ali bin Mo’tazid Abbasid, Abbasid caliphs, 295 A.H 3-Sayyid bin Tawoos herd the supplication for the Shias from Imam Zaman (May ourlives be sacrificed upon him) in Samarra at dawn, 638 A.H
14 Dhul Qildah
1-Assasination of Mansoor Hallaj (according to Sheikh Bahai), 309 A.H
15 Dhul Qildah
1-Murdering Banee Umayah with Banee Abbas’ forces (132 A.H)
16 Dhul Qildah
1-Death of Mustarashid Billah (L.A.), the thirtieth Abbasid’s caliph, 529 A.H
17 Dhul Qildah
1-Banishment of Imam Musa Kazim (AS) from Medinna to Iraq (179 A.H) 2- Imam Musa Kadhim (A.S.) was exiled to Iraq from Medina, 179 A.H 3-Death of Ibn Habeerah, the leader appointed by the Bani Ummaiyah for Kufa and Basra
23 Dhul Qildah
1-Battle of Banee Qurayzah ( 5 A.H) 2-Martyrdom of Imam Ali Ibn Musa Al-Reza (AS) according to a relation ( 203 A.H) 3-Death of Mansoor Hallaj, 309 A.H. (according to some other narration)
25 Dhul Qildah
1-Dahwul Ardh day ( the earth being expanded from the bottom of Kaaba house ) 2-Exit of Imam Reza (AS) from Medina to Khurasan 3-Birth of Mohammed Ibn Abu Bakr (10 A.H) 4-Establishment of Kaaba by Presence Adam (AS) 5-Exit of holy Prophet ( pbuh ) from Medinna in order to do the last Haj ( Hajjatul Wedaa) (10 A.H) 6-Birth of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) and Hazrat Juses (AS) the son of Maryam (SA) 7-The day of Dahv Al-Ardh, the day when Imam Zaman (may Allah hasten his reappearance) will revolt, in the year of his reappearance
26 Dhul Qildah
1-Birth of Mohammed Ibn Abu Bakr (10 A.H) according to a relation 2-The holy Prophet (p.b.u.h.) left Medina with his companion to perform the farewell Hajj, 10 A.H
29 Dhul Qildah
1-Capital punishment of great liar Shalmaghani at the age of minor absent (322 A.H)
30 Dhul Qildah
1-Birth of Yazid Ibn Valid (126 A.H) 2-Martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Mohammed Taqi Javad (AS) (220 A.H)
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