امام صادق علیه السلام : اگر من زمان او (حضرت مهدی علیه السلام ) را درک کنم ، در تمام زندگی و حیاتم به او خدمت می کنم.
The Reversion of Power and Strength:

The Reversion of Power and Strength:

2- The second point which can be deduced from this narration which is admirable and has received concentration is that not only the glad tidings of obviation of weakness and sickness of the entire people was narrated rather the substitution of power and good health to weakness and sickness respectively has been clarified, because the holy Imam said: "and the weak ones will become powerful". Base on this, not only there shall be no weak and disable people worldwide rather everyone shall enjoy power, strength and ability.

In this case it was stressed in the narration which Imam Sadiq (Peace be upon him) reported from Imam al-Baqir and also from Imam Sajjad (Peace be upon them) that he said:

«إذا قام القائم أذهب الله عن كلّ مؤمن العاهة ورد إليه قوّته».

"When (al-Qa'im) the riser rise, Allah will take all deformity from the believers and return their power to them"[1]

By concentrating to this reality, during the luminous time of reappearance of Imam the entire people of the world will possess faith and they shall be a fully believers. This case is very clear that that time no one shall have any sickness rather all the former power and strength will be returned to the sick patients.

Presently that the world is full of weak ones, inability and sickness, does it not deserve prayer in order to eradicate the entire weakness, sickness and for the coming of the day of delivery from all catastrophe?

Is it that people must not know that the day of applause cheerfulness will come by which there will be no existence of any problem and sickness worldwide?!

Are people heedless that the purpose of creation up till now has not been materialized after over one billion years of creation of this earth and thousands of years of creation of human being?!

Did people thought that Almighty Allah created the world because of this deplorable atmosphere?

Did by concentrating on tremendous knowledge and power of Allah, hasn't showed that existence of the entire weak ones, inability, handicaps, sickness, deformity in creation is because the world has not obtained the divine justly government?!

Don't you know that at the end due to the blessing of the existence of the household of the holy Prophet (Peace be upon them) there will be rescue of all catastrophe like sorrow and dejection!.

Verily during that day with the radiation of gleaming lights of the guardianship of the household of the holy Prophet (Peace be upon them) the entire people will be rescued from all sorts of problems to the extent there shall be no any problems worldwide.

يقول الإمام الحسين علیه السلام: «...ولايبقى على وجه الأرض أعمى، ولا مقعد ولا مبتلي إلا كشف الله عنه بلاؤه بنا أهل البيت علیهم السلام ».

Presently be attentive to the sayings of Imam Husayn (Peace be upon him): "…. There will be no blind[2] nor lamer and no one will be afflicted until their afflictions is remove from them through us, the Ahlulbayt (Peace be upon them)"[3]

We deduced from this statement that during the splendid day there will be no any sorts of problem upon people and there will be an end to sorrow and dejection meanwhile any sorts of sickness, discomfort and calamity will be obviated while cheerfulness and happiness will take over the whole world which shall be the impact of the strength of the guardianship of the infallible Ahlulbayt (Peace be upon them), that day by Allah's wish the most Merciful will govern the entire world.

What also worth concentration is that since the time of Baccarat (a well known Greece physician), the physicians have been making research concerning different diseases and they were able to discovered about forty thousand (40,000) diseases that is possible to afflict human being, they were also able to detect its symptoms but let them announce whether there is any remedy to those diseases or not!![4]

The aforementioned statistics is for the previous ten years and with increase in sins, new diseases has increased because as it was narrated in the tradition increase in sin causes increase in diseases.

[1] - Al-Ghaybah by late Nu'mani: 317.

[2] - The world health organization: presently there are forty five million (45,000,000) blinds world wide and every year this statistics increase by one to two million people. (Amarha pardeh barmidarand: 202)

[3] - Bihar al-Anwar vol 53: 62.

[4] - Magzi Mutafakir Jihan Shiyah: 387.


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