Imam sadIiq: IF I Percieve his time I will serve him in all of my life days
4. Familiarity with false claimants

4. Familiarity with false claimants

Throughout the history of the Shi’a, many various persons have risen with claims of the Mahdiat and introduced themselves as leaders and reformers and with such deceit have trampled on the blood, souls and wealth of the people and have even misguided some. But those who are truly in Anticipation and have illuminated themselves with the shining light of Wilayat, are not fooled by these imposters and do not fall into the traps of these hunters.

Their awareness and knowledge of these imposters and thieves lurking on the path is because of their familiarity with the sublime position of the Imamate. Such that they do not sell life water for a mirage and do not choose the usurpers of the Caliphate over the Imamate.



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