Imam Shadiq As: seandainya Zaman itu aku alami maka seluruh hari dalam hidupku akan berkhidmat kepadanya (Imam Mahdi As
If the vicegerency of the Household of the Holy Prophet (AS) was offered when whatever had been created had the intellect, how can we say that the authority of the Aal-Allah is upon all the possible creation and being?

If the vicegerency of the Household of the Holy Prophet (AS) was offered when whatever had been created had the intellect, how can we say that the authority of the Aal-Allah is upon all the possible creation and being?


The vicegerency was not offered on the condition that all the creation upon whom they have control shall have intellect and all of them should be intellectual. Rather whichever level of intellect or perception or insight they had Aal-Allah will have their authority upon them.

Therefore the authority of the Prophet’s Household is upon all those who have intellect because they have the power of thinking and upon rest of the creation like the skies and the earth, though they do not have the power of intellect, until the limit of their levels of perception.

Recently it has been proved that water, earth, flower, plants etc. possess the power of perception and insight. Thus, the authority of the Prophet’s Household upon these kind of creation is until their level of perception and insight. In this verse of the Holy Quran.

«فَقالَ لَها وَلِلأَرضِ ائتِیا طَوعاً أَو کَرهاً قالَتا أَتَینا طائِعینَ» «سورۀ فصلت، آیۀ 11

It is a testimony that the skies and the earth possess the ability of perception and insight. It has been mentioned the different verses of the Holy Quran which discuss about the supplication of the creations and there are many narrations that testifies it as well.

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