حضرت امام صادق علیہ السلام نے فرمایا : اگر میں ان(امام زمانہ علیہ السلام) کے زمانے کو درک کر لیتا تو اپنی حیات کے تمام ایّام ان کی خدمت میں بسر کرتا۔
What should one do if he has indulged into worries and problems due to the misconduct of his ancestors?

Question of … from Al-Monji Educational Database

What should one do if he has indulged into worries and problems due to the misconduct of his ancestors?


In the name of Allah the most beneficent and the most merciful.

Salam Alaikum (greetings)

It is very hard to ascertain that the worries and the problems, which that person is facing, is due to the misconduct of his ancestors, because, firstly, it is possible that the worries and the problems which the mention person is facing is due to his own mistakes. In other words, one can be mistaken in identifying that the mentioned person is a pious and devout.

Secondly, if he had not performed such a mistake and he was pious from the beginning, it is possible that the problems, which he is facing, is to raise his honor and increase his level of spirituality. Because sometime these worries and hardships are there to raise the spiritual level of that person, البلاء للولاء (worries are there to raise us). Therefore, the worries, which the mentioned person is facing, is not due to the misconducts of his ancestors.

However, if we hypothetically consider that his problems is certainly due to the misconduct of his ancestors. If he knows the people who were the subject of the misconduct of his ancestors and he is able to obtain their consent, his problem and the problem of his ancestor will be resolved if he obtains the consent. Moreover, if he does not know them or he is not able to obtain their consent, he should sincerely supplicate for them, give alms in their names and ask for their forgiveness from Allah, and if Allah wants, it will prove to be effective.


Al-Monji Educational Database.


ملاحظہ کریں : 6973
آج کے وزٹر : 67171
کل کے وزٹر : 196828
تمام وزٹر کی تعداد : 155419090
تمام وزٹر کی تعداد : 111502236