امام صادق علیه السلام : اگر من زمان او (حضرت مهدی علیه السلام ) را درک کنم ، در تمام زندگی و حیاتم به او خدمت می کنم.


The issue concerning the knowledge of the Imam (Peace be upon him) is one of the pillars of our belief for knowing the holy household of the holy Prophet (Peace be upon them). To my own view base on a lot of proof from the narrations, the knowledge of the pure Imams (Peace be upon them) is one of the important and vital discussion in doctrines.

In the visitation of the holy leader of the time (May our souls be sacrifice for him) we read the following:

«قد آتاكم الله يا آل ياسين خلافته، وعلم مجاري أمره فيما قضاه ودبّره ورّتبه وأراده في ملكوته».

"O' the family of Yasin, Allah has given you the post of representative and has also given you the knowledge of his affair for what He has decreed, organized, arranged and desired in His kingdom.[1]

Then after this introduction we must be attentive that the luminous period of reappearance of Imam is the period of government with knowledge and awareness. That day that is accompanied with a lot of magnitude, the great remainder of Allah's proof (May Almighty Allah hasten his relief) shall implement justice worldwide base on his knowledge and awareness and there shall be new life in the seen and the unseen world.

By benefiting from some of the narrations which has been narrated concerning the wonderful period of reappearance of the honourable Imam (May Almighty Allah hasten his relief), it is not only he will undergo perfection and sanitizing the seen world rather he will also sanitize the unseen world from the filthy existence.

With this explanation, it becomes very clear that the rising of that great man is not having only outward aspect rather regardless of the perfection of the outward and seen world, he shall also perfect the unseen world; all the existence in the unseen world will also benefit from the light of the divine government of that great man.

Then the rising of that honourable Imam is a rising of all aspects, it shall be comprehensive and perfected one which shall over take the entire world which will perfect the seen and the unseen worlds.

Base on this, it is not possible to say that the rising of that great man will only be revolution base on material aspect that shall only comprise the obvious and the seen world rather we must be aware that the unseen existence like the Jinn and Satan shall also be under the light of the government of the honourable Imam, they will also be sanitized or must reach or attain perfection.

[1] - Sahiffah Mahdiyyah: 571.


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