امام صادق علیه السلام : اگر من زمان او (حضرت مهدی علیه السلام ) را درک کنم ، در تمام زندگی و حیاتم به او خدمت می کنم.



The vital and the most important program that will be executed by the holy leader of the time (May Almighty Allah hasten his relief) shall be calling people towards Islamic doctrine. This calling will be a general one to the extent the entire people of the world (from what ever religion or creed they may belong to) shall be called towards Islam, meanwhile the entire people shall be told to desist from astray path in order to join the religion of Allah which is Islam and Shi'ism.

After this sermon and call together with the incidents that are newly and miraculous, the call which shall defeat the entire world power and it shall have its stance in the hearts of the people while they shall come group by group towards Islamic doctrine.

In this respect Almighty Allah in the holy Qur'an says:

{إِذَا جَاءَ نَصْرُ اللَّهِ وَالْفَتْحُ * وَرَأَيْتَ النَّاسَ يَدْخُلُونَ فِي دِينِ اللَّهِ أَفْوَاجاً}.

"When the help and victory of Allah came; you will see people entering the religion of Allah in group"[1]

Base on this, that time people will be accepting Islam in group and not individual and they will join and goes towards the religion of Islam in group.

For the people of the world to embrace Islam and general indication to the religion of Allah after the calling of the great remainder of Allah's proof (May our souls be sacrifice for him) is for the people to accept Islam and that is due to wonderful incidents which they envisage from the companion of the great man at the early stage of his reappearance. In this respect their right over the people is very obvious that is why people will be embracing the religion of Allah group by group.

يقول الإمام الصادق علیه السلام : «إذا قام القائم علیه السلام دعا الناس إلى الإسلام جديداً، وهداهم إلى أمر قد دثر وضلّ عنه الجمهور، وإنّما سمّي القائم مهديّاً، لأنّه يهدي إلى أمر مضلول عنه، وسمّي القائم لقيامه بالحقّ». 

Imam al-Sadiq (Peace be upon him) said: "When (al-Qa'im) the riser (Peace be upon him) rise, he will call people to new Islam and guide them towards the issue which has been destroyed and concerning it the general public has been misled, Surely (al-Qa'im) the riser was named as Mahdiyyah because he will guide people from astray path towards the right path and he was name (al-Qa'im) the riser because he will rise up with the truth."[2]


We deduced from this narration that the leader of the time (May Almighty Allah hasten his relief) after his rising, will call and sermon the entire people towards Islam and he will also guide them from misguidance.

Also in this narration there is nothing like killing and shedding of blood between the people rather after the rise of the Imam he will commence calling and guiding people towards Islam.

Possibly calling people towards Islam and guiding them towards the right path needs proves and evidence and that is the very program which the great remainder of Allah' proof (May our souls be sacrifice for him) shall execute.

Obviously faith and guiding groups of people towards Islam is the outcome of this type of call that is accompanied with proves, evidence, miracle and conbination of other guiding factors.

At that time when the holy Qur'an has ascertained it's bloomy and freshness, there shall be new life and Islamic doctrine after attrition.

وقد جاء في زيارة الإمام الحسن العسكري علیه السلام : «السّلام عليك يا أبا الإمام المنتظر، الظاهرة للعاقل حجّته، والثابتة في اليقين معرفته، والمحتجب عن أعين الظالمين، والمغيب عن دولة الفاسقين، والمعيد ربّنا به الإسلام جديداً بعد الإنطماس والقرآن غضّاً بعد الإندراس».

It has been narrated in the visitation of Imam al-Hasan al-Askari (Peace be upon him): "peace be upon you, O' the father of the awaiting Imam, whose prove is obvious to the sensible ones, his knowledge is firm and certain, he is hidden from the eyes of the oppressors, he is concealed from the nation of debauchery, whom Allah has promised to return Islam to its real picture after it has changed and refresh the holy Qur'an after it has been obliterated.[3]

The word "Intimas" "change" in Arabic language also means "annihilation". What Imam al-Hasan al-Askari (Peace be upon him) meant in this narration is any of the two words and it is a proof that indicates the divergence in Islam during the period of occultation, but by the rising of the holy leader of the time (May Almighty Allah hasten his relief) Islam will regain its reality and value.

Every part of the country that is known to be Islamic whereby Islamic laws is not implemented over there even though its named as Islamic state still remain hence the laws are not implemented, then the Islamic expressions in that place shall be annihilated.

[1] - Surah al-Nasr: 1-2.

[2] - Bihar al-Anwar vol 51: 30; Al-Irshad: 344; Ilam al-Wara: 461; Nawadir al-Akhbar: 272.

[3] - Misbahul Za'ir: 410; Bihar al-Anwar vol: 102: 67; Al-Sahiffah al-Mubarrakah al-Mahdiyyah: 697.


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