امام صادق فیق پوسی کسل بیونید پقری ناکهوےنمنرونه تهوک نارےنری ژهیوگنگ مه کهوی فیق پوے چوکی بیک پاٍ
4- To Disagree with your Selfishness or to be on the Way of Reaching an Elevated Destinations

4- To Disagree with your Selfishness or to be on the Way of Reaching an Elevated Destinations

Person who wanted to achieve high and elevated aims and objectives must put aside weakness and crumbliness and likewise must bravely fight with selfishness.

The commander of the faithful (peace be upon him) said:

Whoever wanted to attain high and an elevated ranks must defeat his desire.[1]

This divine statement which came from the tongue of the owner of divine guardian, the commander of the faithful (peace be upon him) is a lesson for the entire human being that wanted to reach great, religious and spiritual ranks and also for those that are struggling to attain high and an elevated aims and objectives.

This heavenly commandment is a great message for the entire human beings especially the youth and the younger ones that have ambition for luminous future.


[1] - Gurar al-Hukum volume : 5 page : 394.


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