امام صادق علیه السلام : اگر من زمان او (حضرت مهدی علیه السلام ) را درک کنم ، در تمام زندگی و حیاتم به او خدمت می کنم.
Rabia Awal Ocassions


1) Migration of holy prophet to Medina (13 prophetic mission)

1) Laylat almabit ( The night that Hazrat Imam Ali (AS) slept in the bed of holy prophet) (13 prophetic mission)

1) Revelation of a verse for status of Imam Ali (AS) (1 A.H)

3) Death of Mohammed Ibn Musa Mobarghaa in Qom (3/5 A.H)

3) Demolition of Kaaba with Catapult by Yaziad Ibn Muawiyah (64 A.H)

4) Moving holy prophet ( pbuh ) from Thowr cave to Medina (1 A.H)

5) Death of Hazrat Sakina , the daughter of Imam Hosein (AS) (117 A.H)

8) Martyrdom of Imam Hassan Askary (260 A.H)

9) Begining Hazrat Mahdi ’s leadership ( God makes haste his relief )
 (260 A.H)

9) Umar being killed by Abololo

9) Perdition of Umar Saad

10) Death of Abdulmutaleb , the ancestor of holy prophet (peace be upon him) at the prophet ’s 8 ages (45 B.H)

10) Holy prophet ’s marriage , at 25 years old , to Hazrat Khadija(SA) (28 B.H)

12) Arriving holy prophet ( pbuh ) at the region of Quba in Medina (1 A.H)

12) Mokhtar Ibn Abe Obeid Thaghafy rising in Kufa for vengeance for bloodshed of Imam Hosein (AS) (66 A.H)

14) Perdition of Yazid

15) Detachment of Hamza Ibn Abdulmataleb (AS) (2 A.H)

17) Birth of Holy prophet ( pbuh ) (Amul pheel )

17) Birth of Imam Sadeq (83 A.H)

22) Battle of Baneenazir (4 A.H)

23) Arriving Hazrat Fatema Masuma (SA) , the daughter of Imam Musa Kazim (AS) in Qum (207 A.H)

25) Battle of Dumataljandal (5 A.H)

26) Peace of Imam Hassan (AS) (41 A.H)


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