امام صادق علیه السلام : اگر من زمان او (حضرت مهدی علیه السلام ) را درک کنم ، در تمام زندگی و حیاتم به او خدمت می کنم.


Presently we are acquainted with the power and capability of the brain and we have perceived that up till this present time people has not benefited from the greater portion of their brain.

Now we shall discuss about perfection of knowledge and power of determination.

The strength of people's determination is the sign and impact of perfection of human's knowledge because as we have previously quoted from the narration of "soldiers of knowledge", determination is from the soldiers of knowledge of which with its perfection it will be sufficed. It is obvious that to activate the determination and to operate its strength will create a fundamental change in human beings.

If the power of determination is perfected, humanbeing will be able to do extra-ordinary and wonderful works because if the power of determination is able to reach its last limit it will be source of transfering and creation of awareness, i.e. humanbeing is able to create a circumstance or a characteristics in a person or in a thing and can also take away things, it can also bring certain thing from a place or transfer it to another place. It can also be acquainted with unknown information through application of determination.

As we have already said that determination is one of the portions of power of knowledge and with perfection of knowledge the other powers of knowledge will reach its perfection and will also be diligent. Base on this, due to perfection of human's knowledge during the luminous period of reappearance of Imam their determination will also be strong and potent.

Then during the period of delivery when human's knowledge will be delivered from chain and ties of Satan the soldiers of intellect will also be rescued from weakness and inability while their concealed power will be manifested and activated.

During the gloomy period of occultation a lot of people are not able to achieve their hope and demands until they leave the world and it seems their demand and ability is no more but during the luminous period of reappearance of the holy Imam people will be able to achieve their demand and ability to the extent if they wanted to be acquainted with unknown thing, the cover will be draw aside for what ever they need its awareness.

These are the realities which the holy household of the holy Prophet (Peace be upon them) has taught us and whole heartedly we accepted the sayings of these great men and untill Allah's wish, we shall completely perceive the luminous and the reality of the reappearance day of the holy Imam of the time.

Base on this, during the period of perfection the first determination will be implemented and through that the awareness shall be materialized.

In order to support this statement with the sayings of the holy household of the holy Prophet (Peace be upon them) be attentive to this narration of Imam al-Husayn (Peace be upon him):

الإمام الحسين علیه السلام: «إنّ الله ليهب لشيعتنا كرامة لا يخفى عليهم شيء في الأرض، وما كان فيها حتى أن الرجل منهم يريد أن يعلم علم أهل بيته، فيخبرهم بعلم ما يعملون».

"Verily Almighty Allah will grant favour to our followers[1] to the extent nothing will be hidden to them in the earth and what ever is in it until a man among them wanted to know about his household and he will inform them of whatever they are doing."[2]

By Allah's wish if we witness that splendid period we shall envisage all these realities and we shall be acquainted with this issue during the gloomy period through the holy household of the holy Prophet (Peace be upon them), without any doubt and hesitancy we accepted it because we know there is difference between those great men among the previous, present and future; they are all acquainted with all incidents and a person who has witnessed this incidents with their eyes will accept the holy household of the holy Prophet (Peace be upon them); this is the covenant and pledge which has been reached during the world of seed before creation meanwhile we have responsibility to be duty bound of the covenant.

With all these, we must be aware that during the gloomy period of occultation there are some exceptional individuals whose determination is awareness of things and they go after gaining awareness. These are the type of people who has attained the light and illumination during the gloomy period of occultation.

During this discussion we have brought an attractive incidents of late Sayyid Bahr al-Ulum that will soften the brain and thinking of some individual whom was very hard for them to accept these type of incident during the period of reappearance of the holy Imam.

[1] - Be aware that during the period of reappearance of Imam the entire inhabitant of the world will be the followers of the holy household of the holy Prophet (Peace be upon them). 

[2] - Bihar al-Anwar vol 53: 63.


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