امام صادق علیه السلام : اگر من زمان او (حضرت مهدی علیه السلام ) را درک کنم ، در تمام زندگی و حیاتم به او خدمت می کنم.


There are important points among the statements of the holy household of the holy Prophet (Peace be upon them) concerning the luminous period of reappearance of Imam which some people are not able to bear and understand, likewise what they have said concerning other issues which some people are not ready to accept, with this reason the holy household of the holy Prophet (Peace be upon them) said such issues to their confidential companions and that it should not be divulge to those who are not among them. 

There are other important issues in addition to the confidential points said by them of which people accepted it due to the external existence of such incidents. In this respect Almighty Allah in order for the completion of His argument and getting the reality closer to the people's thinking, such incidents have occurred externally.

By considering all these, the saying of the infallible from the Ahlulbayt (Peace be upon them) make it close to people's understanding.

Those that were afflicted with the gloomy of the period of occultation and have not envisaged the light and the brightness of the luminous day of reappearance of Imam are able to sketch such splendid day in their brain?!

The people who are in the bondage of the period of occultation and have not witness the freedom of the period of rescue, how will they be able to agree with the developed power of people during the period of reappearance of Imam?

The politicians with little idea who thought the entire globes to be this earth, how will they be able to agree on their flimsy changes in civilization through the unknown people?

How would Almighty Allah establish His prove for those having wrong perceptions who never accept things except what they envisage by their eye?  


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