امام صادق عليه السلام : جيڪڏهن مان هن کي ڏسان ته (امام مهدي عليه السلام) ان جي پوري زندگي خدمت ڪيان هان.
[5] Second Istekhara


Second Istekhara

Allama Majlisi writes in his book ‘Bihar ul Anwaar’ that:

            I heard from my father that he narrated this tradition from Sheikh Bahayi (R.A.) who said:

            I was having a conversation with my teacher as they said: It is narrated from Imam Mahdi (A.S.) regarding Istekhara through chaplet that he said:

            Take a chaplet, recite Salawaat on Mohammad and his Holy Progeny (P.B.U.T.) three times, then hold a portion of the chaplet and count two-two beads till the end, if one bead remains, then perform your intended work; and if two beads remain, then do not perform it.[1]

[1] Bihar ul Anwar: 91/250


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