امام صادق عليه السلام : جيڪڏهن مان هن کي ڏسان ته (امام مهدي عليه السلام) ان جي پوري زندگي خدمت ڪيان هان.
The book ‘’Sahifa e Mubarika e Mahdiyah’’ with a hundred additional pages

The book ‘’Sahifa e Mubarika e Mahdiyah’’ with a hundred additional pages

The book ‘’Sahifa  e Mubarika e Mahdiyah’’ was published on mid Shaban in the year 1419 hijri comprising 760 pages and was widely welcomed by the people such that it became unavailable within a short period of time.

Recently, this book has been compiled for publishing with an addition of about hundred pages with a new set of information and will be available in the hands of the interested readers very soon.

دورو ڪريو : 3278
اج جا مهمان : 157398
ڪالھ جا مهمان : 271725
ڪل مهمان : 172727592
ڪل مهمان : 126835526