الإمام الصادق علیه السلام : لو أدرکته لخدمته أیّام حیاتی.
Translation of excerpts from the book ‘’Secrets of Success – Asraar e Muwaffaqiyat’’

Translation of excerpts from the book ‘’Secrets of Success – Asraar e Muwaffaqiyat’’

Excerpts of the book ‘’Asraar e Muwaffaqiyat’’ have been translated into Sindhi and if God wills, it will be soon available on our database also.

It is necessary to inform that excerpts from this book have been translated into various languages and some of them have also been published.

زيارة : 3208
اليوم : 153175
الامس : 271725
مجموع الکل للزائرین : 172719172
مجموع الکل للزائرین : 126831302