الإمام الصادق علیه السلام : لو أدرکته لخدمته أیّام حیاتی.

Thought and reflection


Sayyid Murtada Mujtahidi Sistani


Translated by

Ismail Abdullah Isa


Author Website


Email: info@almonji.com


In the name of Allah the beneficent the merciful



From the statement of his Excellency, the Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him):

Be mindful of thinking and pondering because it is a guide from misguidance and correction of deeds.



    زيارة : 3454
    اليوم : 97767
    الامس : 226086
    مجموع الکل للزائرین : 147312005
    مجموع الکل للزائرین : 101014279