حضرت امام صادق علیہ السلام نے فرمایا : اگر میں ان(امام زمانہ علیہ السلام) کے زمانے کو درک کر لیتا تو اپنی حیات کے تمام ایّام ان کی خدمت میں بسر کرتا۔



One of the scholars who is reliable in my eyes narrated an incident for me regarding the virtues of chapter ‘Yaseen’: One of Allah’s servants met with extreme hardship in the city of Yazd. He was fortunate enough to meet Imam Mahdi (A.S.) while he did not recognize him. His holiness said to him:

            “Recite the chapter Yaseen; on reaching the word ‘Mubeen’ that has arrived six times in the chapter, make the intention of your demand and after completing the recitation of the chapter, ask for the intended demand, so that Allah accepts your supplication.”

            He said: “When I deeply focused on the chapter ‘Yaseen’, I figured out that the word ‘Mubeen’ has arrived seven times in the chapter, I became astonished with this situation, but when I pondered over it, I understood that the word has arrived without ‘Alif-laam’ on six places and with ‘Alif-laam’ on one place. Then I recited the chapter just as his holiness commanded and Allah accepted my supplication.

ملاحظہ کریں : 2917
آج کے وزٹر : 0
کل کے وزٹر : 224620
تمام وزٹر کی تعداد : 152663283
تمام وزٹر کی تعداد : 108219653