Imam Shadiq As: seandainya Zaman itu aku alami maka seluruh hari dalam hidupku akan berkhidmat kepadanya (Imam Mahdi As
2) Concealing the prophesies

2) Concealing the prophesies

Another significant strategy of the Jews and Christians for prohibiting the world from inclining towards Islam, was concealing.

          Both Christians and Jews had their own crucial involvement in this path and they initiated different strategies to perform these significant and effective programs.

          The program performed by them helped in keeping many dark phases of that era in darkness and away from light; if the predictions of Torah and Gospels were kept in the access of the people, the common universal beliefs would be different now.

          In this discussion, we will present only those instances of concealing the predictions by Jews where Torah speaks in reference to the prophet-hood of the Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h.). Thereafter, we will mention those significant incidences where the Church and Christianity concealed the realities in order to prohibit the Christians from showing interest in Islam. 


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