امام صادق علیه السلام : اگر من زمان او (حضرت مهدی علیه السلام ) را درک کنم ، در تمام زندگی و حیاتم به او خدمت می کنم.


Anticipation is the state of hope and salvation, which seeks out those in wait, in the dark period of the occultation from the whirlpool of perplexity and takes them to the valley of light and purity.

Anticipation provides the melancholy with new life and new energy, also provides hope to the depressed hearts, and nurtures the idea of a world full of happiness and light in the minds of mankind.

Anticipation seeks out the righteous ones and makes them blessed and exudes a beautiful luminous light. Anticipation removes hindrances and the veil of darkness and creates an incandescent light within the human beings who have achieved perfection. It brings into fruition the seed of knowledge and understanding of original Shi’ism within the hearts of those in wait, and presents the most perfect spiritual state to the most virtuous people.

If you want to establish the state of Anticipation within yourself, draw near to the glorious Wilayat and become aware of the remarkable effects of Anticipation and by investigating the condition of those in this state gain knowledge of their virtues and qualities. Also you can discover the greatness of the period of the reappearance of Baqiatullah (AS) so that unconsciously the feeling of the Anticipation of that marvelous day will engulf your entire being.

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