امام صادق علیه السلام : اگر من زمان او (حضرت مهدی علیه السلام ) را درک کنم ، در تمام زندگی و حیاتم به او خدمت می کنم.
Value of Anticipation

Value of Anticipation

Anticipation is one of the excellent characteristics of people on the road to success. Because as states in the precious words by the “Household of Revelation” concerning the characteristics of the great men during the period of occultation, “The upright ones in anticipation are the best of people of all times.”

In this way some of the people-with a complete understanding of the issue of anticipation-consider it the most important factor today, and they believe that man can find all comprehensive and complete factors within “true anticipation”, as a result of which man can take off in flight in the spiritual heavens and can save themselves from social difficulties and mental entanglements.

Anticipation, in its true and complete sense is a difficult state, which is said to be surrounded by secret halos and only a few righteous men can attain it completely and not fall into the traps of the enemy.[1]

Anticipation, at its highest and final level- which exists within the special companions of the Imam of the Age (AS)- means readiness and using extraordinary powers for implementing the heavenly organization and service in the way of the heavenly government of the Holy Imam (AS).

Anticipation at any stage that it may occur is a type of inner help from the unseen world, a way closer to God and if it continues and becomes complete, with the passage of time, it destroys the darkness which exists within the depths and the interiors of man and in his unconscious self (nafs). It also serves to illuminate the shutters of light and brightness of man’s inner self and in this way opens the way for perfection to him. Therefore Anticipation is a state of readiness in all the necessary dimensions and attracts man’s inner attention to the world of purity, sincerity and light; the world where all satanic and evil potentials are destroyed, and divine light shines within the souls of all people all over the universe.

Considering this fact, we can say that the person who holds extraordinary powers is one who has taken steps towards the elevated stages on the path of anticipation. Because as we know the government of the Imam of the Age (AS) is a heavenly and extraordinary one, the understanding of which is beyond human perception, and the companions of the Imam (AS) must assemble around him and make themselves present in the front line to assist and be men of action and have the necessary extraordinary powers required to submit to the great Imam’s (AS) divine orders.[2]

The traditions concerning the characteristics and qualities of the 313 persons who make up the elite helpers of the Imam of the Age (AS) introduce them as having extraordinary spiritual powers even in the period of occultation.

[1] By entreating the Imam of the Age (May Allah hasten his reappearance) and in remembering him, many people hold ceremonies in Anticipation of his reappearance and Praise be to Allah such ceremonies are on the increase and are becoming more widespread. Our intention is not to deny such ceremonies or such people or to deny their state of Anticipation because their state has many varied levels and those who have attained the highest level, even though they may be few in number, have arisen from among the ranks of these very people and did not remain stagnant on the path they chose, rather they struggled and endeavored and tolerated difficulties and hardships.

[2] In many traditions the use of extraordinary powers by the Imam of the Age (AS) during his reign has been clarified.


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