امام صادق علیه السلام : اگر من زمان او (حضرت مهدی علیه السلام ) را درک کنم ، در تمام زندگی و حیاتم به او خدمت می کنم.



Now be attentive to the following points:

1- It is obvious from the various narrations that the leader of the time (May Almighty Allah hasten his relief) never need witness and testimony in his judgment.

2- Under the assumption that the apparent prove shows that the honourable Imam needs testimony in his judgment, such narration is not capable to contradict other narrations.

3- Under the assumption that there is contrary narrations and it is capable to contradict other narrations but we must make a combination between the narrations and desist from most of it, because the contrary narration (if its existence is accepted) can be base on early month of reappearance of the government of Imam before it is fully established because after the establishment of his government and placement of three hundred and thirteen men among the great companions of the leader of the time (May Almighty Allah hasten his relief)  worldwide who will be availed with hidden assistance, they shall not be entangled with false testimonies.

4- We said to those saying that Prophet Da'ud made judgment base on reality in only one occasion; it is not rational and if it is in only one occasion Prophet Da'ud judge base on reality, how did the judgment become popular?

5- Under the assumption that it is in only one occasion Prophet Da'ud judge base on reality and his knowledge and it became so popular, then likening the judgment of the leader of the time (May Almighty Allah hasten his relief) with that of Prophet Da'ud is because of the popularity in the judgment.

6- If we accepted that it is on only one occasion Prophet Da'ud judge base on reality and his knowledge, what will they say in answering the narration which concerns Prophet Suleiman and that of the family of Da'ud who has made judgment without inquiring for witnesses and testimonies?!

7- As it was transmitted from the saying of the holy Prophet (Peace be upon him and his family) it is possible that judgment base on witness and testimony is contrary to reality and there will be customary in judging with oppression, then does this type of government compatible with the justly government of the great honourable remainder of Allah's proof (May Almighty Allah hasten his relief)?

8- Let us kept all these aside, base on the narrations which Prophet Da'ud requested from Almighty Allah to enable him judge according to testimony shows that his followers are not ready to accept judgment base on reality which is base on their entire none-submissiveness to Prophet Da'ud and they are not pleased with unapparent judgment, but during the days of delivery which the entire humanbeing in terms of reason will reach the stage of perfection and they will be ready to accept his command, then they don't need to desist from judgment base on reality.


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