حضرت امام صادق علیہ السلام نے فرمایا : اگر میں ان(امام زمانہ علیہ السلام) کے زمانے کو درک کر لیتا تو اپنی حیات کے تمام ایّام ان کی خدمت میں بسر کرتا۔
The book “Ilal Imamal Mutadhar ajjil Allaho ta’ala farajahu shareef” is translated and published in Pakistan

The book “Ilal Imamal Mutadhar ajjil Allaho ta’ala farajahu shareef” is translated and published in Pakistan

The book “Ilal Imamal Mutadhar ajjil Allah ta’ala farajahu shareef” (To Imam al-Muntadhar, May Allah hasten his reapperance) is an introduction to the precious book “As-Sahifah Al-Mahdiah”. Owing to its importance, it has been published as an autonomous book in the Arabic language.

Twenty-seven different topics have been discussed about Imam Zamana, May Allah hasten his reappearance, in this book. These topics includes, the etiquettes of supplications, the specified places of Imam Zamana, May Allah hasten his reappearance, to organize programs of supplications for the hasty reappearance of Imam Zamana, attentiveness towards Imam Zamana, May Allah hasten his reappearance.

Mr. Irfan Haider have translated this precious book, which comprises of a hundred and forty four pages, in Urdu language. In addition, with the help of Jamia Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) Quetta, this book was published on 9 December 2014.

Mr. Salman Namdar, Mr. Syed Mohammad Sajid Rizvi and Mr. Zain Alawi did the editing of this book. Mr. Syed Shazan Haider, Mr. Shayan Haider, Mr. Azhar Baqar Khan and Mr. Sajjad Ali Sirohi did the important works like typing and designing the book.

By the will of Allah, this book will soon be available in the Urdu section of the almonji website.


ملاحظہ کریں : 7020
آج کے وزٹر : 0
کل کے وزٹر : 201880
تمام وزٹر کی تعداد : 172816405
تمام وزٹر کی تعداد : 126880007