Imam Shadiq As: seandainya Zaman itu aku alami maka seluruh hari dalam hidupku akan berkhidmat kepadanya (Imam Mahdi As

The value of thought and reflection
Flying of the thought and reflection
Important of Thought and some of its Mysteries    
The effect of having thought of transgression    
Thinking and Reflection Increases Your Faith and Certainty    
Reflection and Thinking is a Means of Insight and Farsightedness    
Thought and reflecting Fasting    
Ways of Making our Thought to be Healthy    
1- Accuracy and deliberation makes our thought to be healthy    
2- Abstinence from voracity (too much eating)    
3- Abstinence from those that are having false and incorrect thought    
Centralization in thinking increases the power of thought and reflection  
The conclusion of the discussion   



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