الإمام الصادق علیه السلام : لو أدرکته لخدمته أیّام حیاتی.
Is the occurrence of The World Wars a sign of the Arrival?

Is the occurrence of The World Wars a sign of the Arrival?

Are the occurrence of a World war and the consequent blazing of the earth signs of the Arrival of Imam Mahdi (A.S.) or not?

Answer: The occurrence of a World war can be considered as one of the signs of the Arrival of Imam Mahdi (A.S.) but it might not necessarily occur as its occurrence has not been mentioned in any of the traditions related to the obvious signs of the Arrival.

Therefore, since the world war is not from the obvious signs of the Arrival, we should find out ways to restrict ourselves from entering into such a deadly war.

Moreover, it is also believed by some of the scholars that since the arrival of Imam Zaman (A.S.) will be indefinite, it is also possible that the obvious signs of the arrival do not occur, because these signs are considered as obvious but not the necessary signs of Imam Mahdi’s Arrival.

It wouldn’t be farfetched to claim that today’s politicians who fill their vessels of ambition with greedy and deadly desires, design a bloody pattern to bring about extensive bloodshed in the world and eventually create a situation that leads to a World War and the destruction of millions of human beings in the flames of such a war. This is the gift of the new world order!

زيارة : 2368
اليوم : 11512
الامس : 301136
مجموع الکل للزائرین : 147741601
مجموع الکل للزائرین : 101229158