امام صادق عليه السلام : جيڪڏهن مان هن کي ڏسان ته (امام مهدي عليه السلام) ان جي پوري زندگي خدمت ڪيان هان.
[3] SUPPLICATION FOR HIS REAPPEARANCE (may our souls be sacrifice for him) ON FRIDAY NIGHT


SUPPLICATION FOR HIS REAPPEARANCE (may our souls be sacrifice for him) ON FRIDAY NIGHT

Sheikh Abu Ja'afar Tusi (may Allah have mercy on him) in the book "Mukhtasaril Misbaah" when mentioning the duties on the Friday night said: "recite the following when sending blessing to the holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his family):

أللّهمّ صلّ على محمّد و ال محمّد، و عجّل فرجهم، و أهلك عدوّهم، من الجنّ و الإنس، من الأوّلين و الآخرين.

O' Allah! Send Blessing to Muhammad and the family of Muhammad and hasten their relief and annihilates their enemies among the Jinn and mankind from the beginning to the end.

(You recite it either (100) one hundred times or to your ability).[1]

[1]- Mikyaalil Makarim 2: 31.


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