حضرت امام صادق علیہ السلام نے فرمایا : اگر میں ان(امام زمانہ علیہ السلام) کے زمانے کو درک کر لیتا تو اپنی حیات کے تمام ایّام ان کی خدمت میں بسر کرتا۔
3- In the Service of Great Men

3- In the Service of Great Men

Reaching elevated and perfected rank is enjoyed in the school of thought of the holy household of the Prophet (peace be upon them). In this aspect there are a lot of admonitions, statement and guidelines that has been reported from the rightly guided leaders (peace be upon them).

Definitely if you implement one of these admonitions which were reported to us you will certainly enjoy better future, likewise to be in the company of great and self trained men who has achieved their great aims and objectives. It has been transmitted among the poem of Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) that he says:

I enjoin you to be with great men and an elevate personality.[1]

Therefore seeing, sitting and being in the company of this type of people has impact in your thinking and behavior likewise it strengthens person’s determination and leads him towards great aims and objectives. The elevated determination of those people creates strong determination in those whose determination are weak and it also awakening those that are not having aims and objectives.

Definitely staying and being in the presence of the great men will acquaint you with valuable aims and they kindled the light of reaching that stage and rank in you.

[1] - Bihar al-Anwar volume : 47 page : 24.


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