الإمام الصادق علیه السلام : لو أدرکته لخدمته أیّام حیاتی.
Prophetic Prophecy regarding Marwan and others

Prophetic Prophecy regarding Marwan and others

It is written in the book ‘Al Manaqib wal Mathalib’ that: After the birth of Marwan, he was brought near the Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h.) so that his holiness may resect his palate; just like he did for all the other Muslims children.

Prophet (p.b.u.h.) refused to perform this act for him and deprived him from this good deed, and said:

أتوني بأزرقھم [1]

          ‘One having the bluest eyes (the most wicked of all) among them was brought to me’[2].

Maroozi quotes this statement in his book ‘Al Fitan’ from the saying of Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h.):

ابن الزرقاء ہلاک عامّة اُمّتی علی یدیہ و یدی ذرّیّتہ

          ‘Majority of my nation will be destroyed by the hands of the son of a woman with blue eyes (Ibn uz Zarqaa) and by the hands of his successors’[3].

[1] Al Manaqib wal Mathalib: 296

[2] It is written in the book ‘Farhnag e Jame’e) that ‘Azraq’ is an indication towards a wicked and immoral enemy.

[3] Al Fitan Muroozi: 72


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    الامس : 255839
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