الإمام الصادق علیه السلام : لو أدرکته لخدمته أیّام حیاتی.
Third position achieved by the book ‘’ Secrets of Success’ in a competition held in Pakistan

Third position achieved by the book ‘’ Secrets of Success’ in a competition held in Pakistan

In Pakistan, a books competition is held every year in which the best books are rewarded as per their content etc.

In this competition, our book ‘’Secrets of Success’’ has won the third position this year by the name ‘’Kamiyabi Ke Asraar’’.

It is also necessary to mention that this was the first time that a Shiite book was selected in a competition held by Ahl e Sunnah.

زيارة : 4968
اليوم : 0
الامس : 233920
مجموع الکل للزائرین : 173913321
مجموع الکل للزائرین : 130080870