امام صادق عليه السلام : جيڪڏهن مان هن کي ڏسان ته (امام مهدي عليه السلام) ان جي پوري زندگي خدمت ڪيان هان.


Writing letter to Imam is among the effected means and it has tremendous and surprising effects, because our master as it was narrated is strongly pitiful to his well-wishers. I have personally in several occasions written letter to him (peace be upon him) and I saw a tremendous and surprising effect.

In this chapter, we will mention the different methods of writing letter to Imam Mahdi (A.S.) and a few incident that took place with some of the senior clerics.

In the book ‘At Tuhfatur Radawiyya’, the author states: Allama Sayyid Mohammad Taqi Isfahani, in one of the chapters of his book, in which the miracles of Imam Mahdi (A.S.) has been compiled, writes: One of the miracles of his holiness is that one can accomplish his desires by dropping letters and requesting from him; this is a point that has been witnessed and experienced.

Honorable Late Allama Sheikh Abdul Husain Ameeni also narrated an astonishing incident for me which occurred for him as a result of Tawassul through his holiness, which I am not permitted to write in this book, but I can mention to this extent that such an incident occurred in his life only due to writing letter to Imam Mahdi (A.S.).

Then he added: I have experienced the impact of Tawassul through Imam Mahdi (A.S.) in important affairs and for the accomplishment of my demands.[1]

[1] At Tuhfatur Radawiyyah: p.159


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