Imam Shadiq As: seandainya Zaman itu aku alami maka seluruh hari dalam hidupku akan berkhidmat kepadanya (Imam Mahdi As
SEEKING MEANS THROUGH OUR MASTER (May our souls be sacrificed for him)


(May our souls be sacrificed for him)

Allama Mustanbit (R.A.) states: Both intellectually and traditionally, it is obligatory on us to strong attach ourselves to the grace of his holiness (A.S.) and to seek shelter in him in all our difficulties and hardships.

            This is because even if his eminence, the Master of Time, the Leader of the Age, remains in occultation, but indeed he witnesses us while we do not witness him, or we witness him but do not recognize him. Nevertheless, the star of his blessings shines upon us and whoever seeks him as his means for a demand, his demand is certainly fulfilled.

            He adds: We have witnessed astonishing and unprecedented results from seeking means and haven’t come across any opposition.

            Indeed, whoever failed to taste the pleasure of seeking means through his gracious existence, he is unaware of these realities;

«بنفسی [انت] من مغیب لم یخل منّا»

(My soul be sacrificed upon you, you are the hidden who never left us)[1].

[1] At-Tuhfatur Razawiyya: p. 160


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