حضرت امام صادق علیہ السلام نے فرمایا : اگر میں ان(امام زمانہ علیہ السلام) کے زمانے کو درک کر لیتا تو اپنی حیات کے تمام ایّام ان کی خدمت میں بسر کرتا۔
Prophetic Prophecy regarding Marwan and others

Prophetic Prophecy regarding Marwan and others

It is written in the book ‘Al Manaqib wal Mathalib’ that: After the birth of Marwan, he was brought near the Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h.) so that his holiness may resect his palate; just like he did for all the other Muslims children.

Prophet (p.b.u.h.) refused to perform this act for him and deprived him from this good deed, and said:

أتوني بأزرقھم [1]

          ‘One having the bluest eyes (the most wicked of all) among them was brought to me’[2].

Maroozi quotes this statement in his book ‘Al Fitan’ from the saying of Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h.):

ابن الزرقاء ہلاک عامّة اُمّتی علی یدیہ و یدی ذرّیّتہ

          ‘Majority of my nation will be destroyed by the hands of the son of a woman with blue eyes (Ibn uz Zarqaa) and by the hands of his successors’[3].

[1] Al Manaqib wal Mathalib: 296

[2] It is written in the book ‘Farhnag e Jame’e) that ‘Azraq’ is an indication towards a wicked and immoral enemy.

[3] Al Fitan Muroozi: 72


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