امام صادق فیق پوسی کسل بیونید پقری ناکهوےنمنرونه تهوک نارےنری ژهیوگنگ مه کهوی فیق پوے چوکی بیک پاٍ
2- Friendship with the friends of the holy household (peace be upon them)

2- Friendship with the friends of the holy household (peace be upon them)

To be friendly with the holy household of the Prophet (peace be upon them) does not end in loving them only, rather after loving them you must love the friends of those great men and to have connection and affection with them.

In this respect the holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said:

Love our friends the same way you love our holy household.[1]

Therefore, to be friendly with their friends is the requisite of being friendly with them.

[1] - Bihar al-Anwar volume: 8 page: 57.



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