امام صادق فیق پوسی کسل بیونید پقری ناکهوےنمنرونه تهوک نارےنری ژهیوگنگ مه کهوی فیق پوے چوکی بیک پاٍ
Details of the Companions and the ‘Tabe’een’ at the time of narrating this Hadith of Prophet (p.b.u.h.)

Details of the Companions and the ‘Tabe’een’ at the time of narrating this Hadith of Prophet (p.b.u.h.)

          In ‘Sahih Bukhari’, it is narrated from Khalid al-Hazaa, who narrated from Akrama, and he narrated from Ibn e Abbas and his son Ali: Both of them went to Abu Saeed e Khadri to hear this narrative from him. At that time, he was building a wall, he folded his cloak and began to speak till he reached the story of the construction of Masjid un Nabi and said: We used to lift the bricks of the mosque one at a time whereas Ammar lifted two bricks at a time. Then the Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h.) attended him and wiped the dust off his face while he was saying:

          ‘Woe upon Ammar; he will invite them towards heaven while they will invite him unto Hell’.

          Abu Saeed e Khadri said: Ammar used to say: I seek refuge in God from there deceits. In the book ‘Sahih al-Bukhari’, another chain has been mentioned for this narration.[1]

[1] Ee’laam e Nasr e Mubeen, dar Dawari Miyaan e Ahl e Siffeen: 66


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