امام صادق فیق پوسی کسل بیونید پقری ناکهوےنمنرونه تهوک نارےنری ژهیوگنگ مه کهوی فیق پوے چوکی بیک پاٍ
Question about continuation of mourning commemoration of Imam Husain (AS).


Question about continuation of mourning commemoration of Imam Husain (AS).

Question: If someone holds, commemoration for Imam Husain (AS) continuously and due to poverty and financial crisis, he is not able to hold it anymore. Is it allowed to discontinue holding it?
Answer: Those who believe and have faith in Imam Husain (AS) and Ahl e Bait (AS) will not discontinue it in any circumstances, even though when they go through grave times or become in debited to someone. However if someone is unable to continue it in any condition there is no objection in it.

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